
Is there an age requirement?

There is no specific age, but all athletes must be currently enrolled in high school (9-12 grade). However, if you’re in 8th grade, you can begin participating as a Groom.

How much does it cost per year?

The cost to participate depends on your district and team. reach out to your local Coach to get an exact cost.

How many meets are there?

There are 3 district meets per season and one final state championship at the end. See the full schedule here.

Where can I learn about the rules of OHSET events?

The rulebook is available online and in print. It is updated every two years.

Is OHSET safe?

Safety is our #1 goal. Along with teaching horsemanship skills, we require standard safety protocol at any sanctioned event. All Athletes are required to wear helmets.

Do you need your own horse?

You do not need to own your own horse. Many athletes either lease a horse, or borrow one for the season.

Are there financial scholarships available to help athletes with OHSET fees?

Yes, opportunities available will vary by district.

Do Athletes need to wear a helmet?

It is required that all riders must wear a helmet when at any OHSET sanctioned practice or event.

What is the practice schedule?

The frequency and location of practices depends on your local team. Some meet monthly, and some more often. Typically practices will be at a local facility and you will need to bring your horse and equipment.

What if I don’t have equipment?

Contact your Coach if you need help finding the correct equipment. It is the Athlete’s responsibility to acquire all necessary items.

Is there a riding experience level required?

No, with a variety of events to choose from, riders and coaches can choose events for athletes to safely participate in.

Do Athletes try-out for a team?

There is not a formal try-out process for Athletes. Contact your local team to get involved.

What if I don’t have access to a horse?

Reach out to the Coach for you team and ask about horses that may be available for lease or to borrow. OHSET as an organization does not facilitate matching riders with horses, it is the full responsibility of the athlete.

How long is the season?

The season begins November 1st and ends with the Region Championship meet in June.

Which district am I in?

See the full state district map here.


Are parents required to attend practices?

It is not required, but parents are highly encouraged to attend. Coaches can often times use help moving equipment, organizing volunteer efforts, and it supports the athlete’s involvement

What if I feel my child is not ready to compete?

High school students are not required to be a competing athlete to participate, they can support team members and learn in role of “Groom”. All experience levels of riders are encouraged to participate.

What is my expected commitment to being a parent of an OHSET athlete?

Parent’s should expect to transport their athlete’s or arrange transport to all practices. Parent’s are highly encouraged to help as needed at meets which could include helping set-up/take down equipment, and setting an example for other athletes and parents by showing good sportsmanship between team members and other schools.

Will there be supervision?

There will be a Coach at all meets, practices and meetings. Coaches do go through an OHSET training to prepare for the role.


What if I only want to coach a specific event?

Our coaches have a variety of expertise; we encourage you to coach in areas you feel well versed and confident in.

How does OHSET support me as a Coach?

OHSET provides yearly training to teach how to support athletes, communicate with others, and understand rules for participation. District and State officers are available for questions and support.

Who do I reach out to become involved?

The district chair and the school will have information to help you to become involved.

What is the time commitment for coaches?

This will vary depending on number of athlete’s you are working with, number of events you coach, and the team’s agreed upon practice schedule.


Who do I contact if I am interested in supporting OHSET?

Contact the district chair in your area for opportunities to join our mission.

If you have additional questions, please contact us here!